Dr.H.Krisna Harapap divides the development of press freedom in the fifth period, namely:
As outlined above, the press is often criticized during the optionsxpress colonial state and the bans and the threat of punishment against the press often happens, after the proclamation of a power struggle in various fields, including the press as: Soeara Asia (Surabaya), Tjahaja (Bandung), and Rays Baroe ( Semarang). In September 1945 the Indonesian press is getting stronger with the publication marked Soeara Mrdeka, Indonesian News, Indonesian News and The Voice of free Indonesia. At the time of the Dutch military aggression divided into two, namely the press, published in towns and villages, which in cities often have the banning of the Netherlands as Alert, Freedom and public pulpit while in the village, among others, Voice of the People, Fire People, Patriot and the draft of the People and the tower .