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HomeCustom pageAbout me  In 1946 the government began to  build relationships with the press by designing the rules but because they are being disturbed by the Netherlands, the bill is not finished-finished, new in 1949 Indonesia had sovereignty continued improvements in the field of press and press in the village and town reunited . National Committee plenum VI centers do in Yogyakarta on December 7, 1949, which basically permerintah RI fight for the implementation of the national press freedom, which includes the protection of the press, the provision of the necessary facilities and recognizes press news agency Antara as beritanasional offices and facilities that deserve protection . March 15, 1950 press committee was formed and the provision bahanbahan and press pages plus as well as an opportunity to deepen the climate of journalism so that the press is now growing well proven with increasing Indonesian language newspaper, China and the Netherlands from 70 to 101 pieces in a period of 4 years after 1949 .
  1. Release Developments In Guided Democracy Era (1959-1966)

The era of government policy based on the rules of war supreme ruler (peperti) 10/1960 & Presidential Edict # 6/1963, which reaffirmed the need to permit orderly for every newspaper and magazines, and on February 24, 1965 the government conduct mass bans exist 28 newspapers in Jakarta and orderly prohibited areas simultaneously.

  1. Release Developments In New Order Era (1966-1998)

At this time bans and more severe restraints on the press, there were 102 times that in 1972 banning 50x, 40x 1972, and 12 malaria-related events were banned publication January 15, 1974. At that time the Department of illumination as if a supervisor in Indonesia, which requires SIT or this license for any existing newspaper. Seconds newspaper, Tempo and Editor become a phenomenon of the past history of the press which is banned in 1994.

  1. Developments Releases On Reform Era (1998-present)

On June 5, 1998, the cabinet reform under President BJ Habibie review and repeal permenpen No.01 / 1984 on this license through permenpen No.01 / 1998, then reformed the old press law with the new law by Law No.40 of 1999 on freedom of the press and freedom of journalists in choosing press organizations.

2.2. Analyzing the free press and responsible according to the code of ethics of journalism in a democratic society in Indonesia.